Tag: Bedtime Story


राजा विक्रम और बेचैन भूत (विक्रम-बेताल की कहानी)

बहुत समय पहले की बात है, उज्जयिनी के प्रतापी राजा विक्रमादित्य अपने न्याय और पराक्रम के लिए प्रसिद्ध थे। एक दिन, एक तांत्रिक ने...

शेर और चालाक खरगोश (पंचतंत्र की कहानी)

बहुत समय पहले की बात है, एक घने जंगल में एक भयंकर शेर रहता था। वह रोज जंगल के जानवरों का शिकार करता और...

अकबर-बीरबल की चतुराई (Akbar-Birbal’s Cleverness)

एक दिन बादशाह अकबर अपने दरबार में बैठे थे। उनके मन में एक नया सवाल आया, जिसे हल करना आसान नहीं था। उन्होंने अपने...

Luna and the Wishing Tree

On the edge of a quiet little village, nestled between rolling hills and a shimmering lake, stood an ancient tree. No one knew how...

Tommy and the Moonlight Train

One quiet night, as the moon shone brightly over the sleepy town, little Tommy lay awake in his bed. He tossed and turned, unable...

The Whispering Wind

High above the rolling hills and across the endless seas, there lived the Whispering Wind. It was no ordinary wind—it carried secrets, stories, and...

The Kind-Hearted Giant

In a faraway kingdom, beyond the rolling hills and deep forests, lived a giant named Hugo. He was the biggest creature anyone had ever...

Max and the Magical Paintbrush

Max loved to draw more than anything in the world. His sketchbook was filled with castles, dragons, and secret worlds that only he could...

The Lost Teddy Bear

Little Timmy loved his teddy bear, Bruno, more than anything in the world. Bruno was soft and fluffy, with button eyes that twinkled in...

Princess Lila and the Talking Mirror

Once upon a time, in the grand kingdom of Eldoria, there lived a kind and curious princess named Lila. With her golden curls and...