Bible StoriesNoah’s Ark and the Great Flood

Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood

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Long ago, in a time when people had forgotten kindness and goodness, the world was filled with wickedness. But among them was one righteous man named Noah. He was faithful to God, and he lived a life of honesty and obedience.

One day, God spoke to Noah, saying, “The earth is filled with violence and evil. I will send a great flood to cleanse it. But you, Noah, have found favor in My eyes. Build an ark—a great boat—and bring two of every kind of animal aboard, along with your family. You will be safe.”

Noah listened carefully and followed God’s instructions. He and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, worked day and night, cutting wood, hammering nails, and sealing the ark with pitch. The people around them laughed and mocked. “Why are you building a boat when there is no water?” they jeered. But Noah did not waver—he trusted in God’s word.

When the ark was finally complete, God told Noah, “Gather the animals.” So Noah and his family led two of every kind—elephants, lions, rabbits, birds, and even tiny ants—into the ark. Then, Noah and his wife, his sons, and their wives entered as well. As soon as they were inside, the sky darkened, and the first raindrops began to fall.

The rain poured down for forty days and forty nights. Rivers overflowed, and the great flood covered even the tallest mountains. Everything outside the ark was swept away. But inside, Noah, his family, and the animals were safe. They prayed and waited for the storm to pass.

Then, one day, the rain stopped. The ark floated on the vast ocean of water for many weeks. Hoping to find dry land, Noah sent out a raven, but it did not return. Later, he sent a dove, but it found no place to rest. After several days, he sent the dove again, and this time, it returned with an olive leaf in its beak! Noah knew the waters were receding.

Finally, the ark came to rest on the top of Mount Ararat. The doors were opened, and the animals stepped onto dry land. Noah and his family knelt and thanked God for keeping them safe.

Then, in the sky, a beautiful rainbow appeared. God spoke to Noah, “This rainbow is My promise to you and all living creatures. Never again will I destroy the earth with a flood. This is My covenant of love and mercy.”

Noah’s heart filled with joy, knowing that God’s promise was eternal. And so, he and his family began a new life, remembering always to walk in faith and righteousness.

The story of Noah’s Ark teaches us that faith and obedience lead to salvation, and God’s promises are everlasting.



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