Long ago, in the land of Israel, there lived a young shepherd boy named David. He was the youngest of eight brothers and spent his days tending sheep in the fields. Though he was small and young, David had a brave heart and a strong faith in God.
One day, David’s father sent him to take food to his older brothers, who were in the army of King Saul. The army was camped on a hill, preparing to fight the Philistines. But when David arrived, he saw that the soldiers were afraid. A giant named Goliath, standing over nine feet tall, had challenged them. Every morning and evening, Goliath stepped forward and roared, “Who will fight me? If you defeat me, the Philistines will be your servants. But if I win, you will serve us!”
The Israelites trembled, for Goliath was covered in heavy armor and carried a mighty spear. No one dared to fight him. But David, filled with courage, said, “I will fight this giant.”
King Saul was surprised. “You are just a boy,” he said. “How can you fight such a warrior?”
David replied, “When I was tending my father’s sheep, I fought off lions and bears. The Lord protected me then, and He will protect me now.”
Seeing David’s confidence, King Saul agreed and offered him his armor. But when David tried it on, it was too big and heavy. Instead, he took his shepherd’s staff, his sling, and five smooth stones from a brook.
David walked toward Goliath. The giant laughed when he saw the boy. “Am I a dog that you come at me with sticks?” he sneered. “Come here, and I will crush you!”
But David stood firm. “You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord!”
With that, David put a stone in his sling and swung it around. The stone flew through the air and struck Goliath right in the forehead. The giant staggered and fell to the ground with a mighty thud. The Philistine army gasped in shock.
David ran forward, took Goliath’s own sword, and finished the battle. The Israelites cheered, and the Philistines fled in fear. David had won—not with strength, but with faith in God.
From that day on, David became a hero in Israel. And one day, he would become one of the greatest kings the land had ever known.
The story of David and Goliath teaches us that no matter how small we may feel, with faith and courage, we can overcome even the biggest challenges.